Its the stale story of a screen, and a gun. And that gun sticking out of the bottom of the screen "Are you still with me on this one?" And also you have the vary refreshing view of Aliens in front of you. And get this, their shooting at you. And than you shoot back. And than you kinda run around and find some more of them, and shoot some more. Than you get online and shoot some more and get points. And then spawn and die and spawn and die. And you do that over and over and over! Lets take time now to thank God this game is something different than that at least. So at least you wont be on a large dose of antidepressants after 4 years of playing this. But that does not mean its good. It will seem refreshing for a while. But if you have played the other vary good meantal horror games, "like the fatal frame series or Silent Hill 1 threw 3." This game just falls way short of those. Once again in my quest to play every last Gen game. I had to go back to catch this one. And it is an interesting story. And the game is creepy. But it plays kinda stale. But their are a few cool things. One you play as more than one character on this island, Which plays out kinda cool. And when stuffs about to mess you up. You feel your controller vibrate some. So dont look for this game to be a hit on the PS3. Yea Im a PS3 fan, I can make that joke. And you get a good sense of that Japan horror feel "Ring, Grudge." But it just does not work as well as a Fatal Frame, or Silent hill. But it still works. And since FEAR turned out to be Halo+Doom=the same game anyways. And we haven't seen any good Horror yet this new gen. It may be worth a look back for some.
Siren is set in a mysterious village named Hanuda which seems peaceful until a blood-curling siren screams in the night air and the villagers are being lead towards the red sea which should not have existed...they soon c... Read Full Review
These days it seems like the Japanese have become the torch-bearers for quality horror movies. Frankly, the American formula was getting a bit old, a bit unimaginative, and a bit too action-oriented. Often times, I canno... Read Full Review