Very very hard.....what else can i say..It's a game based on trial and error....and theres alot of that.....i'm nowhere near completion of this by far ,but it's really challenging.....frustration isn't the word, and at times you think that it's just down-right impossible....then you get a break and realise where you have gone wrong after 2 days of trying and then a final brainstorm of what to do and how to do it....this is the sort of game that will have you awake at night visualising the map and the "zombies" figuring what you've done wrong.....It is so challenging that i can't remember the last game that made me want to throw my joypad across the room and feel like taking a hammer to my console shouting "WHY WOULD ANYONE DO THIS TO US".....the atmosphere is earie and trying to figure out what to do and where to go with groans in the background and being shot at means that you are constantly under pressure to move around..but by moving you run the risk of being seen and having to run for your life..because no matter not square up to the enemies because it wastes precious time when you will more than likely be dead within 10 minutes of escaping.......And don't be fooled by thinking "I'll take it one step at a time and be able to see the danger coming".....'cause you'll be wrong.....But this game is so challenging that it's hard to put down......hence the reason why i'm still playing a close to impossible game ..... Think Silent Hill with stealth and you'll be close.....It's one of a kind sort of game that has to be played to see just how challenging it really is.
Siren is set in a mysterious village named Hanuda which seems peaceful until a blood-curling siren screams in the night air and the villagers are being lead towards the red sea which should not have existed...they soon c... Read Full Review
These days it seems like the Japanese have become the torch-bearers for quality horror movies. Frankly, the American formula was getting a bit old, a bit unimaginative, and a bit too action-oriented. Often times, I canno... Read Full Review