You'll either play this game non-stop, or return it... or let it collect dust while you play San Andreas. Gameplay: Its kind of like RE.... but not really, you'll play 10 different characters, which spans over 3 days. Its also kind of confusing trying to follow the storyline, since its always switching around level to level and character to character. You probably wont know WTF is going on. There are 2 mission objectives for each level, which the second objective is discovered on a another level. Your character is either equipped with a gun/melee weapon, maybe a flashlight. But if your unequipped, your pretty much screwed unless you know how to sneak good. You can sightjack, which I rarely use. But its cool you can use all 4 main buttons to record a position of the shibito in your sightjack. You use your left control stick to search around the level to find a shibito or a character. The puzzles in the game are so inane and hard, you will never beat this game without a walkthrough or a FAQ. Ammo, if your lucky is scarce. You sneak alot, the first survival horror MGS? Graphics: The game looks awesome, which affects the game. Its creepy,scary, and disturbing at times. You'll tense up when being chased by Shibito. Not to forget about the enemies, there effectivly creepy. Theres one in particular that scares me, but i wont give that info away. The flash light shine is nice... so yeah. The characters look good, there faces just look weird and messed up to me. Sound: VERY, VERY EFFECTIVE! When you play this game in surround sound, you'll be scared. You'll be like "What was that footstep??" its scary. The british voice acting is good, but id prefer the Japanese voice acting. Value: It has a lot, but not much. During the game, you collect some whack crap. Like i.d's,Magazines, and pendets and stuff. Its fun to look at the first time, but it wears thin after awhile. You can unlock a puzzle game and a time attack mode... there ok. You will spend a lot of time with this game, especially when you dont know what to do. You'll get stuck and just look around. I just loved this game, it scary and stuff. But i recomend this game to Silent Hill/Metal Gear solid fans.
Siren is set in a mysterious village named Hanuda which seems peaceful until a blood-curling siren screams in the night air and the villagers are being lead towards the red sea which should not have existed...they soon c... Read Full Review
These days it seems like the Japanese have become the torch-bearers for quality horror movies. Frankly, the American formula was getting a bit old, a bit unimaginative, and a bit too action-oriented. Often times, I canno... Read Full Review