skate 3 one of the best skatebording games on the market the game its self is very intresting the places u can skate in this are endless . the vert comos the street comes are great the time they spend in to making some of these parks was great the moves they can do are realistic now un like some tony hawk games. the pro challanges are newer and better and dont glitcnh out like skate one danm girl chalenge it was so bad but any how the pros are better then ever the tricks are easyer to do witht he analog stick the graphics and comanpys are really stepping up to these games now and lending a hand. the deathrace are better and faster then ever. the thriller mag has great new awas to smash your bones and break any bone in your body the best part of this game is the way u play it bored sales from your company was a great idea and bran new to a skate game, some of the spots are hard to find though with out help there is sstill 2 i cant find that were dumb when i looked them u p to find them ut over all i woul say this is a buy for sure have fun keep the games alive guys
Skate 3 is awesome... And its proberbly the best in the series. Also its got some awesome graphics,and the graphics have got some good detail,also the sound is very good,and the gameplay is great,and the controls a... Read Full Review
I have played this game for about 5 hours straight since I got it yesterday... The only issue I have is the fact that 2 hours have been on the same Challenge... Some of the own the lot challenges are unnecessarily diffic... Read Full Review