Everything looks great except there are few things to fix. The game is not that as good as promised.
The Artificial Intelligence guys are not all bad. You can create your own teammates and customize them.
You can make your own logos, boards, and outfits.
You now have a unique career. You start your own skateboarding industry.
Everything you do sells boards.
You can do whatever you wish to own a challenge. It makes beating the game quick and easy.
There are new modes you can play such as domination.
You can play as the AI teammates you created.
You can edit videos to make professional-style films. Offering challenges have never been easier.
You can kill the challenges later on if you wish to.
Even if you already beat the game you could still do stuff online. Those could still get you to be able to sell more boards.
Bad things:
If the game supported multiple datas you could save all your customizations when you play at your friend's house.
Some spots are hard to master or skate on.
You can't bring your computer teammates online.
The multiplier meter decreases too fast, leaving not enough time to do additional tricks. It would've been better if the multiplier meter takes forever to drain, or just stop there, so you can still pop till you drop.
There aren't enough high grounds and cliffs in each of the districts, especially Downtown.
The big ramps are very hard to spot and won't let you catch that much air.
The game only supports two consoles.
The outfits and logos of your team doesn't determine your team colour. Having to play on the red side when you still have everything blue won't fit.
You can't make your own character introduction when doing competitions. In other words, you can't pick how you pose in the intros, or make a solo intro like the pros do.
The stuff for the park editor takes too long to unlock.
There are sudden and large increases of the required number of board sales between the milestones.
The contests are almost impossible to beat and you barely have any control over those events. Therefore it's almost impossible to turn the game around when you are losing. Also, you don't get provided with that many chances to score points meaning luck determines everything.
Most challenges are hard to kill and won't sell that many boards.
The game is too rare and expensive.