Skate 3, was a nice try but doesn't seem to cut it.
I bought the game on the release day,played it for a few good hours, and then the next day lost interest in it. EA haven't really changed the game much, which makes it an easy skate game, something to pick up and play. But honestly with minor changes to the game, brings a quick boring route about things. We've done these same things in Skate 1 and 2.
The new feature about Skate 3, is the Create-A-Park, which is a nice addition to the game, but it doesn't really fit in to how it should be. You'll end up switching on and off the "Sticky" option every few ramps, to make sure things are perfect. You can not raise, or lower the ground around the set areas to create your new park.
If Skate 3, took a look into the eyes of Tony Hawks, 2, 3, 4 and see how simple it was to make parks, and give them more options with items. The create a park mode would be soo much exciting.
One thing which got on my nerves with creating apark was that every ramp you wanted was really wide, if you wanted to fit things in being realistic you would have to plan ahead alot.
So there is no more slim 4 way boxes or anything. Which kinda made things slightly annoyng.
Creating a Team was a skipped feature, i wanted to play the game and not spend 20minutes designing each member of my team. Also the poor AI of your team mates. Doing Death-Races and your team mate coming last was hell for me. Restarting it 20 times just so your team mates AI would actually pay attention.
Jam sessions, all skaters in the way of each other, crashing, knocking you down, the fustration it caused. 4-6 skaters sessioning a small bank, at the same time. What were EA thinking?
The extra features in Skate3, the difficulty, the camera angles was a nice touch to the game. Even how the skater re-acts to how he falls over, or trips on certain tricks made the game better than Skate 2.
But then the missions you got from the game, i found Skate 1 to be a realistic skateboarding game, after the 2nd one it got alittle silly, the 3rd one had alot of missions you would never see a real skater do. Jumping gaps of 50feet, airing over quarries etc. I know it's just a video game, but i always saw that Skate would hopefully never go down the arcadey route Tony Hawks Pro Skater did.
This alone ruined a big part of the game for me, it became less fun and more stupid to play.
Also, the game became proper buggy, your skater decides to wall ride the side of a small ledge instead of grinding it. Predestrians would stand in the way of your spawned item.
The game has it's good and bad sides too it, but i've found more of a bad side to this game.
I'm still considering do i return it, or keep it for a game i can play every so often when it's raining outside and i can't go out skating for real.