New Genre/Skate Simulator.
skate simulator?
i have finished the game last month if i am not wrong.i had a great fun with this game it reminded me
of tony hawks games i used to play on ps2,4-5 years ago like American wasteland.
can i just say before we begin i have found out that these skate games are not arcade like they
should be considered simulator,since when you do a move you assume that you have done a real
life trick on a skate gives you that feeling.and arcade skateboarding is exactly the
tony hawks series with so much colors.
OK i am gonna review this game the best way i can and again i am reminding people i have not played
the skate or skate2.
before i was able to play the game i think it gave you a choice between two angles one exactly
behind your character and the other one was the ****c camera angle of skate kinda of behind
the skateboard near the ground.
you can create your main character to begin with.and you have a lot of choices of clothes jeans and etc...
then you can go do some tutorials with coach.he teaches you gr8 stuff during the game.
the game had a lot of cool features that i am guessing,skate and skate 2 did not these feature
will only be for the best and you will see what i am talking about when you play the game,but just
for example apart from skate boarding you can let go of the skate board and just break you
bones and it is really life like feature and you can see which bones you have broken really really
if you have played Tony Hawks games before you will definitely notice that in order to do a simple
olly move in TH games you have to only press one button to do the olly.but in skate in order to
do olly you have to actually push the right stick down and the bush the right stick up,and with
that you can set the energy level for the olly.(how cool is that-it is life like).that been said you can
imagine all the possibilities of other moves and tricks and the way to do execute them).
in the game you can do a lot of activities such as photos,films,training,working with pros.and so have to get more reps to unlock new stuff and parks.and to continue with the career
the only thing that bothered me was the the frame rate and the cuts that they make are really
and thats all there is to it.
i still think this game is more of skate simulator and it is a great game.if you love skateboarding
then mu suggestion to you is that this game is a must have.
thank you for your time.