I love the skate series, but Skate 3 is kind of a let down.
Ok lets get started...
Firstly one thing that disappionted me most was that this game is only ONE player. The other two games have allowed 2. I enjoy playing with my friends when they come over and i really do not know why Black Box took this feature out.
Ok its just classic skate, a decent amount of challenges but none are really too hard. You can complete all the challenges in 6 hours or so if you really want to. The gameplay is just as normal and a few new tricks have been added such as darkslides, which are fun to pull off. Walking of your board is just like Skate 2, kind of unstable and annoying. This is also the same for online.
The multiplayer is one of the games strong points, there is much varity and having a game of s.k.a.t.e with other players is fun and challenging. It would be perfect if it worked all the time however it doesn't. When someone joins the game, it can take ages to load and most of the time i have to exit to the dashboard which is very fustrating.
Just like the previous games, glitches plague Skate 3. This spoils it for others that want to play fairly and skillfully. I wish Black Box would really fix this because its the same problems as Skate 2.
Its a good game and its fun to play. If your a true fan of Skate buy it. If you are new to the series try Skate 1 or 2 as they are cheaper!