Not as good as the original SKATE for the ps3, but okay as a game

User Rating: 5 | Skate It WII
My mate pre-ordered this game cos we loved the original SKATE for the PS3 and the day we got it we were playing for at least 2 hours straight and managed to get a good feel of it but after that, it went downhill, I mean, the great thing about SKATE for the ps3 was how real life it was like but this one isnt as real as the other one cos the skaters are much more faster moving and always seem to land perfectly and straight, also, where is everyone? I mean, there were disasters and everyone left, how stupid is that? So you and this other dude are the only dudes left and that means no one to crash into and stuff. Another bad thing about this game is how expensive it is, i mean we payed $80 for wii fit and the board then another $40 for the game, but I must say, the bails look better on this than on SKATE cos on SKATE all the guys are all stiff on this theres more of a ragdoll which makes it look cooler although the graphics are of course no where near as good as the PS3's so thats a downer. The balance board is pretty cool how you lean to turn and stuff but they were going to make you jump and stuff to do tricks but they seemed to have taken that out. So this game isn't as real as SKATE and pretty bad setting but there is the odd cool thing.