A lot of fun but for a little time

User Rating: 7 | Skate X360
The controls of this game are what MAKE the game. If you are trying to decide whether to buy or rent, i would definitely say rent or borrow from a friend. This is a really good game; WAY better than all of the Tony Hawk games. It is far more realistic. And plus you dont have stupid music constantly blaring in the background. The view can sometimes piss me off. It is a really good idea to have it be the view of a camera-man but in reality it starts to become annoying. Also the pedestrians in this game start to bug too. They always get in the way of the challenges. And speaking of challenges, for the most part they are pretty crappy. The online is pretty fun but you have to be good at the game or you will get destroyed. Basically the best part of this game would have to be the free skate mode where you just get to roam around and do some awesome looking tricks. With the controls you are a lot more involved which makes it that much more fun. So if you can, play it at a friends house or ask if you can borrow it because if you buy it, chances are you might start to get sick of it a little bit too soon.