Seeing the "professional" reviewers give this game a 7 makes me think I deserve that job. But they will give tony hawks crap games an average of 8, even though it's the SAME DAMN GAME OVER AND OVER AGAIN! No skateboarding game can deliver the satisfaction of doing something as simple sounding as a kickflip to a nose manual to a nollie heel flip. You hear me? Not one. I've played every tony up until project 8 because it was the same crap fest over and over again that I soon outgrew. There are a few kinks in the game though, I'll say that. I gave it a ten to try and off balance the current rating... I would realistically give it a 9. Everything about this game is awesome with the exception of not being able to get off your board. Skate 2 is coming out and it will not only fix this but it will give you the power to move small things around to give you that one of a kind line. I'm mainly a pc gamer but this game makes me want to get a ps3... A ps3 because developers are going to start making games for the ps3 first and then port it to xbox because it makes more sense. Feel the pain you Xbots.
Like me, some of your first impressions of the game was probably, "Damn, not another Tony Hawk wannabe..." Well, if those were your thoughts, then you got it all wrong. Once you get your hands on the game, an... Read Full Review
In gaming there seems to have always been a rule. That rule: gameplay makes the game. As long as everything else doesn't totally fail, the gameplay of any game will separate the good from the bad. Skate, I feel, is an ex... Read Full Review