Skate finally gives you a break from boring, old Tony Hawk. It has new and much more satisfying controls where you use the right analog stick to do your tricks. You get a great sense of accomplishment after you land some of the tricks. This game actually takes skill instead of just button mashing to get points. The features much more realistic tricks and abilities than Tony Hawk does. This is coming from a long time Tony Hawk fan. The graphics are superb and amazingly realistic. You actually go slower in the grass than on pavement. There are multiple customization options for your board and character. The objectives are diverse and fun to complete like racing to certain areas or doing certain combos. The game also includes a multitude of professional skateboarders but most I had never heard of. The game does get a little tiresome toward the end, though. This is a really fun new skating game.
Like me, some of your first impressions of the game was probably, "Damn, not another Tony Hawk wannabe..." Well, if those were your thoughts, then you got it all wrong. Once you get your hands on the game, an... Read Full Review
In gaming there seems to have always been a rule. That rule: gameplay makes the game. As long as everything else doesn't totally fail, the gameplay of any game will separate the good from the bad. Skate, I feel, is an ex... Read Full Review