A game so revolutionary that you will be saying, good-bye Tony Hawk!
Overall, this is a solid game, and possibly one of, if not the BEST game I've played all year. The graphics are flawless, having amazing visuals and blur effects, and possibly the best motion capturing and physics system we've all seen in a while. I mean seriously, every character movement in motion capturing is smooth and flows nicely unlike Madden where you see a pause in between a charater's movement to the next. The online is also very well done. You can play up to 3 other players and up to over 7 game modes. The online is very well set up and organized, so you can keep track of yours and other player's stats, as well as watch each other's videos that you can record. If you've haven't played a skate boarding game since the sucking of the Tony Hawk franchise in their Underground series, you might want to check this game out. Skater fans or not, anyone can easily enjoy this game, even those who would likely deny that they won't like this game. I give it a 10, it's a must play, and must buy for any owner of PS3 or 360.