Fun and challenging, and at the same time, calming.

User Rating: 8 | Skate X360
Skate. is and awesome game that was surprisingly made by EA. The controls are much different from any skateboarding game I have played. You use the two 360 analog sticks to move your feet. It has a large learning curve, but you will get the hang of it after awile. I'm not too good at sakte. right now, because people online are so much better than me as always pwn me whenver I play. Its strange, they all make me look like a noob. This game has great graphics, I can spend a long time simply looking at this games beautiful graphics. Its truly awesome. It looks so realistic. It has so much detail and the characters look full of life. This game is good in short terms, if you are a completionist like me, then get ready to be ticked off and have your blood boiling at some of the games hardest challenges!