This game is the only skating game I have liked and have gotten hooked on. The replay feature is where you can instantly stop review, and edit after any moment of skating. The thing that really sets this game apart from all 1,000 of the Tony Hawk's is that most of the skating is done with the analog sticks, and is alot less button mashing than other skating games. This game has a solid single player game along with alot of cool features such as getting sponsored and eventually becoming pro and ascending to the X-Games. The environment in which you are skating is totally skater-friendly and large enough for you to search for days and still find new places you have never experienced before. One of the only problems is that moving around can get difficult if you get caught up in simple objects such as roadsigns and other various objects. But, you can also play 2 players on split screen which I thought was a good idea. You should check out the online play as well. It features alot of tight maps including the X-Games map with the Mega-Ramp. You can also compete in a couple different online modes such as freeskate and other games such as S.K.A.T.E. which is the skate trick version of the popular basketball game of H.O.R.S.E. or P.I.G. So the big picture here is that this is a great skate game different from any other before it that is addictively fun, and is deffinately worth renting if not buying. This is deffinately going to be one of the PS3's top memorable games.
Like me, some of your first impressions of the game was probably, "Damn, not another Tony Hawk wannabe..." Well, if those were your thoughts, then you got it all wrong. Once you get your hands on the game, an... Read Full Review
In gaming there seems to have always been a rule. That rule: gameplay makes the game. As long as everything else doesn't totally fail, the gameplay of any game will separate the good from the bad. Skate, I feel, is an ex... Read Full Review