It was a "okay" game for a while but over all its nothing big.
Don't get me wrong this game did give me fun for a while,but the missions are quiet boring,navigating around the world gets broken because you can't get off you're board.Also there's some glitch's that will mess every thing up and you got to reboot you're Xbox 360 to get everything back to working but this is very rare and shouldn't give you too much trouble.
There's kinda a story nothing big,you're a newbie at skate boarding , you're trying to go pro and so you just skate and do photo's and videos to get sponsored.
The Hall Of Meat is one of my favorite thing's in this game,if you get a huge bail a screen will pop up and show what bones you broken , sprained and dislocated.
The control's is what really makes this game different and fun, the left analog stick moves the player and the right analog stick is to control you're board,so if you want to do a Ollie u hold down the RS then flip it straight up to ollie,and you flip it to the side to do a kick flip. its pretty fun and gives you a sense of REAL control over you're player.
The graphic's are,,meh okay" they was good for its time and still its okay.but not perfect and the glitch's take out the graphics.
This game is worth 16 $ but not anymore than that.
So here's the rating's...
Gameplay 8/10.
Story 4/10.
Graphics 7/10.
Control's 9/10.
Overall 7.5/10.
This game is okay but you're better off to get Skate 2 or 3.