The intuitive control scheme is great and so is the majority of the game, but other than that, it provides few else.

User Rating: 8 | Skate X360
Skate is the first competitor that the Tony Hawk games have had in a long time. The Tony Hawk series has probably had such a monopoly because other developers were afraid that their game wouldn't stand up to a giant like Tony Hawk.
But then EA made Skate.
Skates controls, which are very different from Tony Hawks, consist of using the right stick to simulate the movements a skater would actually make in real life. The physics are very realistic, but it's weird how your character will fall limp off of his board after tapping a wall.
Another huge part in the game is the bailing. You can just sit there spending hours bailing off of a huge spot trying to break as many bones as possible. And, if you make a good bail, you can watch the replay from different angles, or in slow motion. And if you think it's worth it, you can submit it to the "Skate. Reel" where others are able to rate and watch your videos. The downside is there aren't enough slots to put all the replays you want. Also, if you break at least one bone, a chart will pop up showing a skeleton that represents which bones you sprained, bruised, or broke.
The "Flickit" control scheme isn't all good, though. While playing "S.K.A.T.E."(which is H.O.R.S.E. with skating tricks), you will have to do exact tricks, but alot of the time your thumb will slip the tiniest millimeter and your character won;t do the trick you want him to.
The online play is okay, but it will get boring after awhile. While doing Jams online, the area will usually be too crowded and you will often creash into other skaters.
Overall, I think this game is worth a rent. Despite its downfalls it provides a fresh, new skating expirience unlike the dial-a-trick style of Tony Hawk.