The worst of the windows free games.

User Rating: 2 | SkiFree PC
Skifree is a very, very old game that came with some versions of windows 3.1. Like most windows games it provides pretty much no entertainment and at best is a mindless diversion, for about 2 minutes. It can be legally downloaded, because the original developer has released the rights to the version of the game that existed before leasing it to Microsoft. Just google Skifree and you will find its home page. If you really want to download it that is.

Graphics wise Skifree is pretty terrible. It consists of a large expanse of white for snow and things such as trees, rocks, ski lifts snowboarders and rainbows.
All of them are horrible looking. They look like they were knocked up in paint in about 4 minutes. Everything is just colors and lines and very cheap looking. Sure it’s an ancient game but the master system with fraction of a 486’s power showed off FAR more competent graphics at the sane time. There no excuse for how crappy this looks.

Sound wise there is nothing. The entire game is played in complete silence.

The gameplay is extremely boring. You control a skier and you can do one of three courses.

Free style is just you skiing down the mountain trying to avoid crashing, (even though it only takes points off your score there no lives) trying to hit rocks and rainbows to jump, and tapping the left button to do your single trick a forward flip in midair. You are awarded style points for doing the trick and jumping. There really nothing else to it.

Slalom is you trying to ski through sets of flags zigzagging down the mountain side.

Tree slalom is just like normal slalom except the flags are replaced by tress to crash into..

All of these are just no fun at all. The controls are terrible. It’s just really awkward to control, as well as being completely boring. The game is just no fun at all. As a novel touch though at the end of all three runs a grey yeti runs up and eats your skier, which is funny for the first time.

Replay is nothing. You’ll probably tire of it before you even complete one event its just a very boring and tame game compared to the better free windows games such as solitaire and minesweeper.

All up while Skifree is free it’s not worth the 116kb it takes up on your drive.
