OK but frustrating that mission checkpoints are spaced so far apart.

User Rating: 7 | Sleeping Dogs PS3
I like this Grand Theft Auto knockoff, but I do not like how the mission checkpoints are so far apart. You can literally defeat a dozen enemies, then be knocked back to the beginning of the mission and have to endure it all over again. And sometimes you need to go through cutscenes again too, or longer-than-necessary mission elements. I don't understand why they did this, because a lot of the other elements of this game are pretty good - but these issues make playing this game often more chore than pleasure. This is an OK game but not without flaws.

To be fair the Hong Kong based locale is fun and I like how they mix Chinese and English together. So it's not bad but it has definite issues - the mission structure is just too frustrating for me.

So that's why I picked Almost but not quite. I really don't like it when games don't have regular saves and force me to replay certain aspects over and over again almost as a punishment somehow. I am surprised at this gamer unfriendly approach from a game that has depth in other areas.