Definitley worth the long wait!!!

User Rating: 9.4 | Sly 2: Band of Thieves PS2
The game picks up right where Sly 1 left off.AWESOME AND FREAKIN STEALTHY.The gameplay from the 1st to this is greatley inhanced.Sly picks up alot of new moves he uses to make guards look silly.The pickpocketing feature really inhances the stealth part to this game.Also the inovation of having Bentley and Murray playable characters really improves the gameplay.The only thing bad about murray is if hes running holding a guard he can't sprint.Luckilly they let him do that in Sly 3.Bentley is fun because he runs really goofy(no offense Bentley)and he has a sweet dart gun to put enemeys to sleep.Also he bombs are cool to blow things up.A few boring things in this game are walking bombs to places its really long and he can only walk basically.Also the fact of the game still being on the short side is bad.But it is much longer then the first title.This is an overall bad a-s-s game and it is one of the best games of the year!