Better than the original by far.

User Rating: 9.6 | Sly 2: Band of Thieves PS2
Now, when i had first played the original, i was impressed by it's quirkiness and it's interesting storyline and character's to go along with it. I never would think that it would be that entertaining. Now, to all those people that said when you make a sequel to something, it should be better than the original, this is a good example of that rule. With this second installment, you still play as the terrific three. Bentley, Murray, and last, but not least, Sly Cooper. See, the Clockwurk parts that Sly destroyed in the first game were revived and are being collected by a mysterious party to be brought back to life, and of course, Sly has to stop them. Along with his friends. You get to meet a whole gang of weirdo's in this game, as well as once again, dodge electrical bullets from the sexy and persistant, Catalina Fox. Gameplay has been much improved over the first game. With more moves you can initiate with Sly. Also with the missions that you have to play as Bentley and Murray, mixes up the gameplay element's somewhat. Sly is the theif, so his moves are more prone to take people out silently, also he has a pickpocket maneuver so he can get keys from guards and steal money and stuff like that. Murray is the big tough, strong hippo, so he's more prone taking people out with a rage, even though you can still stealth kill people. Then Bentley, which he has a crossbow that shoots sleep darts at his enemy and can put them to sleep. And then he can sneak up on them and knock them out. Graphics are looking a lot better since the last game, the last game's graphics were good, these are better. Nice effects and some really nice details, it's real cool. Audio, the voice acting is back, with some new additions with some new character's. The original cast from the original are back as well, Sly, Bentley and Murray are back with a vengence. The dailogue has never been funnier. Value, there really isn't any replay value to the game once you beat it. I mean, you can still play and beat up some guards, or restart the whole game over. Or just to collect all the items in the game and complete it with 100%. Reveiwer's Tilt, the only thing bad i can say about it is that it gets REAL BORIN once you beat the game.