The best platformer yet on the ps2 arrives in the shape of sly 2. This is the game to get with upgrades from the first.

User Rating: 9.4 | Sly 2: Band of Thieves PS2
Sly 2 is a very good game with an innovate idea: steal and spy around without getting detetected. While that may have first been seen with metal gear solid, sly is aimed at the younger crowd hence the cel-shadcing. But it ends up being a game that everyone can enjoy.,
Graphics: They are nice, using good use of cel-shading. The worlds also look nice, and have plenty of detail.
Sound-The soundtrack is o.k, but the voice acting is very good.
Playability-The controls are excellent, making every task easy to do.
so what are you waiting for? This game is good, and everyone should play it. Even newcomers should because the story isn't that important to the game, just a bunch of talking between missons and beginigng and end of level movies. So, just get it.