Ever since his debut, Sly Cooper has been one of my top 5 favorite videogames. (I c lassify games by series) The characters are witty, the dialect is funny, and the gameplay itself is awesome. Sly's graphics have also improved over the years. I remember in the first game when you first meet Carmelita, Sly's head looks like a slightly curved triangle in shape. Now it's amazing how they fixed the graphics. What I somewhat miss from the first game is the graphic hideout in the van (not like the safehouses) and the ability to move the characters' heads around when they were talking on the Binoc-U-Com. But I got over it. I also love the multi-character selection in the game. In the newest game, I only saw a few problems. The first is that despite all of these new characters, you could only play at will as Sly, Bentley, or Murray. I also didn't appreciate the way they treated Panda King, who was my second favorite Sly villian of all time. Especially how you couldn't just thrash Panda King in the flashback boss level. I would've much rather caned the living daylights out of the guy instead of "We've grown up and changed". And I also didn't like the skitzifrantia, although it did make for an interesting, witty cutscene. Also, did anybody notice those big robotic eggs from when you spied on Arpeggio near the end of Sly 2? I did. What was the point of those when Sucker Punch didn't do anything with them ever? I thought they'd be in Sly 3. One thing that didn't make too much sense to me was the fact that Dr. M never attempted to make a fake cane to crack open the Cooper Vault. You'd think he would've bothered to do that. The thing I liked the least is how the game ends. Sly gets blasted by a huge fireball to save Carmelita, and while he lives, he fakes amnesia to be with Carmelita. This makes it the end of the series, which is really annoying, because all of the third games improvements were indicators that there could possibly be a fourth game. But I've done enough whining. One cool part about the game is Murray and Bentley's new pickpocketing abilities. I always wondered why they couldn't steal stuff as assistant Master Theives. Another great part of course, is bringing back Panda King, Dimitri, and Muggshot. Having Panda King and Dimitri on the team made for some rather interesting plot development, and Muggshot's bisyllabic slang vocabulary and gun-toting always makes for a funny and chalenging excursion or two. And the introduction of Sly's dad's gang was nice, although I would have liked to see McSweeney graphically instead of just an illustration. But of course the thing I liked the most (even if it was limited) was the additional 5 playable characters. Panda King's Flaming Karate Chop and Fireworks made for some rather unique gameplay abilities, and his Binoc-U-Com is the coolest looking one. The Guru only had two problems in my eyes, one for which he makes up for. He couldn't be understood, and he couldn't directly attack a guy. But the attacking is made up for in his ability to controll normal bad guys, and use their attacks. The wackiest part of that was the fact that nobody else (grunts) were suspicous of one of their comrades trying to kill them or running around like a cartoon character. Carmelita was also really fun to play for two reasons: She kicks butt and most Sly fans have always wanted to do it. Her gun fire, high jump, and roundhouse kick made an awesome assault combo. The only dissapointing playable characters were Dimitri and Penelope. Dimitri was too limited in the game, and Penelope only did three things. But they had their moments. The best were Dimitri VS. Dr. M. and Penelope's swashbuckling against LeFwee. What made no sense whatsoever was the fact that the Black Baron (who was really Penelope) could kick butt with his "Fisticuffs" as he/she called it, but Penelope allowed herself to get captured by LeFwee without any resistance. As for the biplanes and pirate duels, they were fun. But the biplanes were better. Overall, Sly 3 is fun, witty, humourous, and creative, and I'd like to take a moment of silence for the end of the series.
Moment's over. If it gets posted, thanks for reading my review.
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