An awesome continuation of the series.

User Rating: 9 | Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves PS2
Before I start, a little note. I am going purely my memorization, sort of to test how memorable the game is. So if you notice something is missing, it's because I don't remember it. Sorry.

Anyways, lets start! The game begins with Sly and the team on an island. Apparently the island is important, since the place is barricaded like a motherf***er. If you played the first two games, you will recognize some faces. Oh, theres Bentley! And there's Murray! But who the heck is this midget with an afro? Or this mouse type character? But wait! Ain't the last guy...nah, can't be. Anyway, the gameplay hasn't really changed. Not even slightly. Don't get me wrong, it is good, but a little variety can't hurt. Near the end of the island tutorial you face the villain of the game...that...baboon dude. Anyway, He is an evil scientist, and he wants the Cooper family treasure, I guess. Dr. Baboon gives chase and then Sly faces a giant freaking ape octopus crocodile beaver mutation. Of course Sly wins-wait what??? HE LOSES??? Before he dies, Sly has a flashback. Yes, the entire game is in a flashback. Go writers!
After some brief tutorials on your abilities, the first stage starts. It's Venice! :D With deadly oil! D: Your objective in this place is to find out the source of the oil and get Murray to join your gang again. Apparently he's off trying to achieve "spiritual enlightenment" or something along those lines. A new playable character appears! It's...umm...the foxy cop.(refer to note up there^^) She can shoot stuff! And really nothing else. At the end you have an opera minigame with the baddie, which is totally awesome and after a boss battle Murray joins your group...sort of.
Anyway, to Australia! Blah blah blah Guru needs help blah blah blah evil mask. After a giant fox cop attacks you and you beat her(Guru joins your team BTW), it's my favorite level! And God help me if I remember where it takes place! I think like Holland or something?
Anyway, planes! Dogfighting! Hacking computers! RC cars! After you fight the "Black Baron" or whatever, you get a new team member, called Penelope(?)! Bentley has a crush on her, ain't it cute?
Anyway, next level! Now we are in China where we have to find this guy called Panda King(?) who was a baddie in Sly 1. Sly really doesn't like the guy, but he has to deal with it. Also, here we get the best thing evar! The GrappleCam!!! It's freaking awesome, you can grapple with it and later you can shoot with it! I hate China BTW. After a ridicilous bossfight Panda King joins your team. Hooray!...?
Pirate level, go now! Nothing to say, just pirates. And treasure! Arrr! BTW, do you remember the purple sleezebag called Dimitri? Yea, he joins your team, too.
It's the last level! :D We cut back to the part where Sly was dieing and foxy cop proceeds to shoot the monster from a motorboat. Blah blah awesome freaking trials blah blah blah FINAL BOSS TIME!!! I never actually beat this guy myself, my friend helped me. I thank you, my friend!

Anyway, the long review(or more likely, overview) is now over. Have a good night, or whatever the time of day is. Even though I said some nasty things about this game, I still love it a lot :]