One of the best, and most innovative games ever played.
User Rating: 9.6 | Sly Raccoon PS2
NOW this is the type of game that gets you ready for school in the morning, lol. Naw, but seriously, this may possibly be one of the best games i have ever played of this new generation of games. Graphics in this game are incredible, really excellent cel shading look to it, really cool and memorable characters in the game. The villains and the heroes are all fun. The storyline is really excellent. Gameplay, mostly like another platformer, but don't let that look fool you, this is a game for people with wild imaginations. Who ever would of though being a raccoon, trying to get your family's prize possession back from an evil villian who hates your whole heritage of family's. NOBODY, this game is so cool, the moves and sneaky moves you can pull off are very cool. I love all the animations on the character's faces, i love the dialogue. Audio, the voices in here are really what make the game, INNOVATIVE.. The voices of the raccoon (Sly) the turtle (Bentley) and the hippo (Murray). Not to mention the cop that chases after you all the time (Carmelita). She's a fox, if you're wondering. I love all the little noises coming from certain platform's you jump on, i love everything about this game. Value, the value in the game isn't everything, but deducting points from this game would be a waste. You can replay the game as many times as you like, trying to find the bottles the contain clues to opening safes with more pages of the Theivious Raccoonus so you can learn their skills to your advantage. My tilt, if you want an excellent platformer, definitely pick this one up, and the other two in the series to make the perfect game complete.