Short SP , bu Highly addictive MP .

User Rating: 9.2 | Small Arms X360
I played this game for 2 days now , and it's highly addictive .
there 12 Characters in total , 4 of them are unlockable characters , each Character spawn with theyr specific weapon , each weapon have a main and secondary attack . Y is used for Dash , the more you charge , the farther you go . X is used for melee attack , the melee will come in play when you will get the hang of the game, X is also used to pickup weapons . pretty usefel to come up with combo and when you don't have any bullet left . A is used to jump , and trust me , this game is a jumping festival , when 1 on 1 , you will use A and X most of the time . B......isn't used :P Left stick is used to move , right stick to aim , left trigger is used for the secondary attack and the right trigger , for the main attack

the Single player mode will mostly be used to unlock characters and try to get the 50 challanges achivements . and trully....the SP is HARD . the AI have a perfect Aim during the last few matches , and it's almost always 3v1 ( you being alone ).

The multiplayer is where this game shyne , it's a total Madness of fun , and you will spend most of your time in there . the only bad thing about it's that it always free for all , there no way to play a 2v2 , which kinda suck , can still play 2v2 , but with friendly fire :S !


During the first few games , you will just jump around shooting everywhere and trying to get as many kills as possible before dying . but after a while you will see that this game is more then a messy "shoot till you drop " game , after sometime you will learn to time your attacks together and find out that it's actually require alot of skills .

The graphics in this game are SPECTACULAR , and even more considering it's a 50MB game . the sounds are nice , and the Framerate is SMOOTH . you might have a freeze time during online play when somebody log in , but that was to be expected :P !

if you have 10 Bucks or 800 MS left ...go get this game Immediatly , it's totally worth it .