This could have been so much more, but DLC content is obviously being developed, so this is more of a prologue of sorts.
The graphics in-game look good at 720p and the handling is average, and it needs some tweaking, which i assume can be added via future patches, but what i found disappointing when i first loaded up the game after installing, starts with the main menu itself, and it gives the feeling of being very plain and nothing fancy bubbling behind these 4 simple red buttons: single-player, multiplayer, options and credits. But click on singleplayer, and you will be in for a nice surprise as the in-game graphics has evidently received 99% of all the attention into making the game.
The soundtrack is not so good, i have to say. I think it's just one track and just one person who made it (based on the credits). Even if there are some variants of the music tracks, they don't make any difference, other than add some pale color to the game's impressions. I suppose you can't expect much from the relatively small team behind this game. From the credits, it appears that they are all Russians, but hopefully they will also read through the buyers' comments from the USA and UK, and use our feedback to improve their game.
The price is disappointingly high. At $15 you would at least expect them to include some licensed music tracks in there, to enhance the overall gaming experience and make it more exciting, rather than listen to some generic sounds (it's not that bad, but more than often you will completely ignore it when you play). The game feels stripped to its bare minimum. When the DLC arrives, i would only buy it, if there is a very serious substantial increase in new tracks, cars, soundtracks, etc. Otherwise, i'll just be content playing this version, every now and then, in between breaks from playing other games.
For the rest of you who haven't bought it yet, i would advise that, if you don't mind the price tag, then it's a good game worth playing, but otherwise, if you already have games to play, then wait it out. In one or two months, the Smash Cars DLC (DownLoadable Content) should be out and they might offer a special bundle price for the full game + DLC content.
This game is most probably king of the RC-racing genre, and there is a LOT that can be made via DLC and patches to improve the experience to even further heights.
Graphics: 7/10 (the game environment could have been improved to allow more obstacles, more varieties in the scenery and definitely more maps!)
Gameplay: 6/10 (the game's physics is good, but could use some more tweaking to make it perfectly responsive. if the developers listen, then a patch should be coming, hopefully soon)
Online: 4/10 (if you look for a game to join, you will probably be left waiting. unless you create a game, then it should fill up rather quickly)