Smash TV is a blast and only $5!!!
The sound effects are cool I think, but probably aren't up to todays standards. All the guns sound cool. The announcer is cool at first but then he's just kinda stupid after awhile. The music is ok and doesn't get too annoying and is easy to tune out. Everything just sounds old and arcady.
The value is great. You can play by yourself in a lengthly game of singleplayer or a lengthly game of multiplayer, and its only five dollars!!! For the five bucks its definitley worth playing, but it won't last the long as it can get really repetitive and boring after a few good hours.
The gameplay is great as well. Very fast paced shooting action. Fun on the first playthrough, yet you might find yourself saying will this room ever end. The achievements are tough to get so you may play the singleplayer again and again trying to get the near impossible to get achievements. The coop is even funner than when your alone, because you can yell at him or her for stealing cash or whatever it may be. If your buddies with the guy you play with than you'll have an even greater time.
Overall you should get this game if your a 360 owner. Its got old school graphics and gameplay that is enjoyable for awhile, but doesn't last long.