The graphics won't hook you in, and the invetiveness wont keep you hooked. It's all around horrible.

User Rating: 2.6 | Smashing Drive GC
From the start, any one can notice that Smashing Drive is a title which promises, but really doesn't pull through in the end. The cover alone makes you think that your in for one intense thrill ride, but as soon as you turn it on... for one, you'll notice graphics that the N64's Conker's Bad Fur day could top easily. Second, as soon as you dismiss its overall plain, boring, slow moving courses, you'll notice that there isn't really much of anything this game has to offer what so ever; no action, no thrills, just driving through bland and quirky courses that have nothing to do with a taxi.

Just the most plain and boring racing game you can possibly imagine; though it's not like your driving in a circle, the game just doesn't really involve you at all because all you really do is just beat your own times; that's all you have to do for the few measly hours this title has to offer to you.

It could be close to Crazy Taxi, minus everything but the yellow paint on the car and pressing the accelerator. It's a good thing most people dropped this game like a bad habit, I'm just lucky I decided to rent it first.