An oldie but goodie. Well worth checking out if you like competitive puzzle games.
Snafu is very easy to pick up and understand right away. The controls consist of moving your snake around and that's about all there is to it. Most modes stick to the four cardinal directions - Up, Down, Left, and Right. However, you can find those that allow you to move diagonally, which leads to new strategies being required to win, as you can pass through another snake moving diagonally, if timed right.
Snafu's graphics are clean and to the point. Given the limitations of the system, there's nothing jaw-dropping about them, but the snakes move and grow fluidly, obstacles are easy to see, and the menu / scoring interfaces do their job.
The sound, despite being considered primitive by today's standards, is well done. The background music starts off slow and methodical, but when only two snakes remain, the music picks up and gives a definite sense of urgency. The sound effects for crashing and eating another snake (on the levels where devouring your opponents is the goal) do their job nicely.
Even though Snafu was made nearly three decades ago, the game-play and concept are as sound today as they were then. It is a highly addictive game, especially with a friend, and the numerous modes will keep things fresh and fun. Definitely a gem worth checking out if you get the chance.