At the low price of $4, this is a better deal than most of the games available on Xbox Live Arcade.
The gameplay in Sneak King is very basic. Your goal is to sneak up behind people with the mega-creepy Burger King guy, and deliver whoppers or whatever else he is handing out. That's pretty much it. There are four different enviroments that you can play in, but I am not sure if your patience will allow you to visit all four. You see, after about an hour or two of playing this game it gets REAL old, REAL fast. But you have to go into this game with the right frame of mind. If you are expecting the quality of a regular retail title, you will hate this right away. I went into it expecting to get about as much fun out of it as if it was an Xbox Live Arcade game. And that's what it essentially boils down to.
The game actually looks pretty nice for a cheap game. Sure it's not the prettiest game around, but like I's $4. The sound is pretty bad, however. There isn't much music and the voices all sound like the teacher in the old 'Charlie Brown' cartoons. The gameplay gets boring after you do several of the missions, since that's all you will be doing the whole time you play this game. The achievements are pretty well laid out. Especially for people who want to complete the whole game. I don't think most people will want to even attempt that. But if you do, it is a pretty short game since you can burn through most of the missions rather quickly.
I guess I can't really complain about get a decent game for $4 from a local fast food resteraunt. It won't keep you busy for long, but you should at least somehwat enjoy the time you spend with it. I would recommend picking this up whenever you feel need to munch down a Whopper.