I do not recommend this game to anyone.
User Rating: 3.1 | Sneak King X360
I went to the local Burger King and purchased this game to see how it was. It was only $4.99 so i figured cool why not. When i got it home i was surprised to see that you could actually win achievements..but after about 1 hour of play i was very bored. I do not see how someone could possibly waste so much time on this game and actually play it till the end. I must say that most the achievements are easy to get...
But for how ever long it takes you to beat it...it is just the same thing over and over. You feed someone...you get points...someone else is hungry...you surprise them...feed them...do a little dance.
If you like this game then great. I am not a big fan of it. Perhaps the other games that BK made will be better :)