A buget game thats worth a try, but only for 2 hours at the most.
Well first off the game play is very repeitive,as one might see, but there is some dare i say, amusing about giving hungry people hamburgers in a king suit! But don't get me worng, this game is bad!! It gets very bored in like 1 or 2 hours. The game engine is I gusse ok, but it dosn't make up for the constant boredum. I mean the game is only about 6 or 7 levels long, and each level is about 20 mins long. But its so boring i can't even go that far with having to eurch to thorw it aginst the wall!
Score: 2 terrible
One might think these graphics are normal for a regular xbox game, and they are. But the 360 version you get is a poor excuse for a next-gen game, if you can even call it that! I mean not only do the graphics are horrible on the 360. You might find youeself puting it in the oringal xbox to spare your beloved 360 the pain! But if you get over that i gusse its not so bad. But thats a big hurt on these crapy BK games. Well I gusse thats all i have to say about the poor excuse for so called NG graphics.
Score: 3 bad
Now people i say good things about sound in mostly every game. But this, this is like i said horriable. I have played though the hole entire game and have nothing possitive about the sound in this game! All the foot steps and voices in the game are all off centered. I some time find my self looking at my audio settings on my tv. But ever thing is good except the game! Its some thing that I hate to see when the sound in a game is this bad! I mean i have never in my life, not even on live tv have seen this bad audio recoing!
Score: 2 terrible
There is only one good thing I can say about this game. The price is just right. Now im not saying if you are going to burger king for some fries, grap it. Becuse this game is not fun! But at lest they had the curtisy to not make it like 10.00$. That i thank them. But i still think it should come free if you are buying a 4.00 meal! Well Im sorry burger king game fans (all 3 of you) this game is bad for you, like the burgers there! Just kinding about the 2nd joke. But this game stinks isn't a joke!
Score:4 poor
Reviewer's tilt
score: 3 bad