Sneak King features a unique premise but fails to deliver it in a fun way.
Sneak King has a rather good, well funny premise in that you play as the King, the Burger King (BK) mascot, sneaking around different areas to feed hungry people food from the BK menu.
The game sort of plays like the original Metal Gear on the NES except in 3D, you sneak around people trying not to get their attention which is only caused by making noise (running) or if they happen to see you. Trying not be seen is rather simple because there are blue lights on the ground which tells you where then can see. If you do manage to let them see you, they will get an exclamation point (!) above their head, it sounds familiar…
Sneak King has the graphics of an average original Xbox game, they aren't anything special. The camera is also a bit clunky at times, and can sometimes cause awkward situations in where you are stuck inside the king or a person walking around. For the price they were better than you would think, but that isn't saying much.
The sound is also very repetitive; in fact there is no variation in the sound effects at all. Once you do the first couple of missions you hear and as well see all of the effects the game has to offer.
The only sort of replay value with Sneak King comes with the achievements as a lot of them are rather simple but sadly many players will probably not be able to unlock them because they won't be able to simply stand the game anymore. Unlocking them is pretty much a hard test of your patience.
Sneak King is just an average game, although for 5 dollars and now a day around 2-3, what would you expect, and another point to go with that is that it was developed by Burger King game. If you happen to see this game at GameStop or anywhere else that sells used games get it, as there as there are a few easy achievements and you can go around bragging that you have a Burger King game.