First of all, the premise is poorly implement, even though it could have been brilliant. As the BURGER KING, you must sneak around the fields of vision of NPC's in the levels... attempting to lurch right up on them and offer them food. The problem is, simply controlling the King is a chore because the developers of the game must have paid almost no attention to previous games of this nature - namely, TOM CLANCY'S SPLINTER CELL. The NPC's have fields of vision (represented by a blue cone flashing on the ground) which only seems to be about 8 feet in distance at any given time. Unlike real life where people can see 180 degrees and spot a man sized object up to a mile away, we are back to the METAL GEAR SOLID days in this game where your opponents are basically BLIND.
Even if you accept the poor field of vision and attempt to play the game for what it is, you'll quickly realize that simply knowing where to go and what to do is difficult because the game's camera is completely free and not intelligent enough to offer you a view that you need to navigate. In games like Splinter Cell, the camera zooms in/out, back and forth to offer you the best situational awareness. Here, you'll spend more time just aiming the camera than actually playing. The game automaticaly got an "F" from me for this.
The visuals are weak... I'd say the development team was able to bang this game out in less than 3 months of development. The graphics look like sh!t.
The sound is no better - I haven't heard lifeless music like this since 1970's porno flicks (you know, the ones where the woman is tied up and a gang takes turns). Being that this is game is rated E for everyone there is no blood or violence to speak of. That's ok, but there could have been so many additions to this game to make it more interesting: smoke grenades? a bb gun to put out lights so you could sneak around easier? ANYTHING to keep you interested in this atrocity. This game probably isn't for sale anymore and all it is good for is a handful of game achievement points. Even if you got it for free, it isn't worth the headache - AVOID IT LIKE THE PLAGUE.