For a game that looks as bad as this one does, this may come as some surprise, but it actually plays even worse.
Even if you were to go back in time 10 years, you would likely have a hard time finding a game that looks this awful. Just to preface this statement, I am not the kind of gamer that needs amazing state-of-the-art graphics in order to enjoy a game. I have played plenty of butt-ugly games before and enjoyed them. This game, however, is unbelievably ugly. And the worst part? It is so painful to play, I am tempted to recommend this game to the government to be used as a form of torture for detainees in Guantanamo Bay.
Where should I start in describing just how awful this game is? Well, to begin with, enemies can, and often will, not only spot you through walls, but also shoot you. And in this game, dying is very easy. Although thankfully most enemies are so blind, deaf, and stupid, that you can walk right up to them without them reacting. Of course, the point of the game is to snipe people, hence the title, and thanks to a magic dot that shows you exactly where to aim to pull of a head-shot, you will almost never miss, except for all the times the game simply decides to make your shot fail to hit the target in your sights. And the game loves to do this on a regular basis!
Beyond these aforementioned frustrations, plot is completely nonexistent and has you jumping from Russia to Italy (which looks like a desert, for some reason) with no explanation. Beyond this, for some bizarre reason, you sound like a typical hard-edged American, while all of your allies (whether you are in Russia or Italy) sound British. Of course, you may not notice because you were smart enough to simply mute the game due to the dull and repetitive gunfire noises and some of the very worst voice-acting I have ever heard in my life.
And just think, I haven't even mentioned that the game can easily be completed in only 2 hours! With all of these considerations in mind, I have only one thing left to say: Don't play this game.