The graphics are nice... that's just about it. The rest is a mix of bad AI, poor development and terrible gameplay.

User Rating: 3 | Sniper: Art of Victory PC
The only thing the Art of Victory has going for it is the graphics.
It runs well on my aging machine even on maxed out settings.

The sound is alright, background music gives a sense of ambiance.
But gets repetitive so I ended up turning off the music an hour or so into the game.

The NPCs are possibly the stupidest I've seen in any shooter. How they manage to simply sit out there in the open while being shot at is a coding fumble. They don't look for cover at all. However when I miss, they always turn around instantly to see me even while I'm hundreds of yards away hidden behind bushes. To make matters worse, they're capable of hitting me with their sub-machine guns at 350 yards!

The storyline is childish and poorly written. The levels are way too vertical with little room for variation when deciding how to approach the individual missions. The targets are predictably located and out in the open.

The wind system is a joke... And why my sniper has an asthma attach after every shot and more so after missing a shot rendering him incapable of holding his breath again for several minutes and much less pull the trigger, is beyond me.

The guy can't jump worth squat either! There are ladders located on the maps that one can't even use if you wanted. So many great sniping spots are simply inaccessible. Poor level design and bad coding in general. Oh but the graphics are indeed nice.

The binoculars have an insane zoom too! I can go from 2x to what looks like 600x magnification... oh but then all of the sudden the view white's out. It seems the character can't stand to view anything too close up!

You can lean, great I love this... but can't use the scoped rifle while leaning, so basically it's nearly a worthless feature.

On one level I arrive in the back of a truck (which is generally the implemented method, from truck to truck)... And as I step out quietly, the entire camp knows exactly where I am... great, NOT!

Good thing I was given this poor excuse for a shooter for Xmas. I can't re-gift it though, unless I want to lose a friend!

Basically it's a big, fat, worthless wannabe game. I'll stick with Sniper Elite... because this game has no art at all... other than in the title!