challenging, underrated...didn´t deserve such a bad rating, if u love sniping, u will love this game
...first i have to say my english isn´t that mercy.
this is one of this games u put in, play it first with mixed reactions, but after a little time of playing it get some addictive vibe! just played a checkpoint again and again to get the perfect shot! i have to say i play it on hardest difficulty because i like the challenge and the realism of the bullet ballistic/ can be hard sometimes but it´s never unfair....there are some little bugs here and there, but not that many
....i don´t recommend to play it like run and gun...u will die and die and die and die...this game is about observate, plan, set traps, get ur perfect spot to snipe and no other game i played this was that much fun....except esv1 ;-) and to all reviewers complaining about the dumb AI i have to say the a.i. is damn my opinion..enemy never react/attack the same way twice...
just one critic: the sound, it´s damn hard to track where the enemy is come from...better said it´s impossible to track voices...
closing comments:
graphics: 8
gameplay: 8
sound: 7
longetivity: 9
fun: 10
replay value 10