Mmmm.... Gross Head Shots... What more do you need?

User Rating: 8 | Sniper Elite XBOX
OK... I've read the reviews that are up here already. And yes, the graphics are NOT blow-you-away sharp. Yes, the Russian guys saying the same thing over and over again (It kinda sounds like "titti-bar" doesnt it?) is a bit repetitive. And no. It's not Halo. Or Halo 2. But it isn't supposed to be, and I would argue that's a good thing.

As a FPS guy going back to the "Marathon" titles on the Mac, I love the gunz-blazing action too. But the old Marathon games had puzzles, mazes, things to figure out between the rooms full of badguys, which made it infinitely superior (oh Bungie... what happened...). And this game is a puzzle, indeed. Yes, you are gonna spend what seems like an eternity laying on your belly in a bomb-crater, waiting for someone to stick their head out long enough for you to earhole them - but is it ever satisfying to see that cut-shot bullet path, knowing that you just bingoed your man.

I would also point out the ambient, moving sound as a plus. You can follow tanks, troops, and gunfire even without surround sound - and it's quite helpful to the gameplay. Nothing like Not leaving your cover because you hear a tank rumbling around the corner... In addition, the flying bits of newspaper and other motions are fantastic for a game like this. You will find yourself so focused on the slightest motion, looking for a target, only to have it turn out to be papers or, even better, a rat??? Fantastic. Frustrating to be sure, but still fantastic.

I've not played all the way through the missions yet, but what I've seen so far has me looking forward to what is coming up next. And yes, there are some slight exaggerations here, like your ability to destroy a tank by shooting a gas-cap. But the best way to play this is often to avoid contact entirely, and only kill those who are directly in your path. Let's be honest, though. If you are a Halo2 guy who always goes for the sniper because you are good with it on the run (and let's be honest - those are the only snipers in Halo2, where camping and hiding are not really an option) and can shoot no-zoom... this is not the game for you. You are gonna have to sit still, be patient, and PLAN your moves. The speed with which you run, jump, and strafe will not save you here. In many ways, this is the Anti-Halo for me - and that's what makes it a thoroughly enjoyable game. If you are looking for some tactical time spent on each mission, and have an hour to kill (even on the first few missions) at a time - with a good amount of it spent in one spot or crawling on your belly - then you will enjoy this game. If you want more of the usual FPS action... then you'll write a review like the negative ones you see here.

Oh, and on the review bit about firing real guns? Umm... I'm not trying to start any trouble, but seriously, this is a video game. Let's not lose track of that point. It really should only be So realistic, after all. Medal of Honor is somewhat unrealistic as to the weapon effects (though the guns are historically accurate) but it was very well regarded and incredibly popular to this day... So you get my point. Playing a video game can only feel so similar to reality. And unless you've been workin for Uncle Sam, I'm pretty sure that none of us have ever pulled the trigger on a human target - so let's just valet park that criticism if we can.

All in all - this is what it is - all sniping, all the time. Slow, methodical, but unpredictable. It could use a little more high-ground action, but maybe that comes in the later rounds. One shot one kill. I love it. I'm looking forward to playing again when I get home from work...