An innovative approach to an over-explored genre, that just get it right.
As such, the game reproduces very convincingly what you'd expect to be like as a sniper. In the most difficult settings (the ones really worth playing), you must take into account the effects of gravity, wind, heart rate and breathing to aim your shots. Anf, if all is done right, you can follow the bullet in bullet-cam, watching the shot hit the target's head splashing blood and what appears to be the rest of his brains all over.
As for the AI, it is REALLY smart, sometimes too much, although you may find moments where it doesn't work all that well.
If you shoot someone, his comrades will immediately run for cover, pouring fire on you along the way, if they know where you are. If you manage to injure a soldier without killing him, one of his comrades is sure to come and take him to safety, allowing you a clear shot at both. Also, when they find out where you are, they will keep shooting at you and try to flank you. And they do it faster than you may be imagining. Sometimes, when you shoot someone outside, soldiers will come out of a building already knowing your exact location, wich can be quite frustrating.
And, yes, there are moments when they stand in open field, unaware of your sight being on their heads, in spite of all his colleagues dead around him. But it's rare.
The graphics aren't sharp, but they're good enough to convince you of being in a war ravaged city in the end of WWII. And you rarely get close enouh to soldiers to see their faces, so it's no big deal.
The sound is superb. To the sound of your rifle, to the constant artillery, which can be used to mask your shots, everything is superbly done.
In short, it's a game well worth playing. It requires lots of patience, and is not for those that want to be Rambo. If you hold the will to run and shoot, then it's one of the best WWII shooters around.