Total Enjoyment with great flexible gameplay as a WW2 Sniper.
The SUM UP: Ok, so your a WW2 Sniper set out to do A to B missions in broken down cities, open fields and bases. You're basically all alone, you dont have peeps backing you up. You cant drive any vehicles, BUT you do have some Heavy Firepower which even out the odds in your favor. Sure the Graphics are dated, but what makes this game shine is in its Flexiblity in getting those missions done with gameplay.
So going beyond the Dated Graphics lies a game you can play 2 ways. ONE is totally being a sniper, taking in wind speed and directions, along with holding your breath. This is some real stuff here, no joke... (I had to take off the wind speed and direction since i found it time comsuming). TWO is you have alot of weapons at your disposal, from machine guns, grenades, RPG's (Although they use a the German name). From start to finish, this game allows you to kill your enemies in alot of differnt ways. Different ways = fun.
Graphics: Okay okay, so its not best on the market atm. But hey it gets the job done. I mean the game even lets you see in SLO MO how your sniper bullet takes off half the face of your target. Now you dont see that in many games.
Sound: Atmospheric, from the warplanes flying past, to distant explosions, cries of alarm. From the shuffling of your body moving on the ground to the authentic gun fire shots. The game truly shines in this department.
Gameplay: Well Ive been boasting on this alot thus far. I mean to be honest you could play this game without taking a sniper shot....altough alot of enemy snipers are on rooftops or high reach places...So given the fact you can find more than one way to get the job done. Either go in quiet or loud, or go straight at the mark or perhaps take the long way around. The game allows you to decided how to playout your Lone Wolf Sniper affection!
Replayability: Sure I look for 'value' in my games. So there are times where you would want to play a level again and try it differently or perhaps go all silent, ala Hitman. OR put on the Realistic MODE, and try shooting a head shot with all the variables. TBH its not a game I would say has a high replay 'Value' to it for most gamers, most will just love the experience one time.
Closing: Gotta like WW2, Sniping, SLO MO, finishing tasks YOUR way, and Above Average graphics to take on this Great Underappreciated game.