When I first got it, it was horible, but after learning the rules and translate thier crappy spelling it got to be pretty fun. My Brother picked it up and noticed the T rating for partial nude, and the fact the characters like MegaMan were not portraid as the strong heros they were in their days (I think he's just offended that a female character is stonger). Game play is fun, but yaknow I'd love to see a computer online ver. or like everyone vs. everyone..... pikachu vs. shadow lady.... I'd |_0\/3 70 S33 7H47. (i am now off track)..... one more thing, i bought it a week ago and have been playing on end....
Other Helpful Reviews for SNK vs. Capcom Card Fighters DS
Since I've always loved the original Neo Geo versions of the Card Fighter series, I was hoping they'd bring back the feel of the game onto the DS. Not to say the Japanese version of the game isn't good, but sadly the fol... Read Full Review
When it comes to fan service, few franchises do it better than the SNK vs. Capcom titles. With such a large array of characters and games to choose from, it's no surprise that players should be able to find and play as /... Read Full Review