The idea of bringing Snood on the DS was passable, but the modes seem to be lacking.
This game has a story mode, puzzle, Armageddon, and several other modes. You can unlock other games, but I don't know how to unlock them yet. In story mode, you have to knock of all of the Snoods down to advance to the next level. Unfortunately, you can't save your progress. I actually got stuck on the second level because it was kind of hard for me.
The graphics aren't really all that bad, but it still doesn't look all that great either. The Snood's heads appear to be too small, and it's difficult for some people to see them closely. The two dimensional backgrounds are just bland looking. The music is just European techno that's very repetitive, but it sounds calming and relaxing.
If you ever played Snood on the PC, this game feels just like its predecessor, but portable. You try to knock multiple Snoods of the same color.
I also heard that you can play two player modes, if both players have the game. Unfortunately, most people I know don't have Snood 2. You have to use the D Pad to play it. Overall, this game is fun and challenging, but it gets boring way too quickly.
the good- portable, can play against another player, feels and plays like the PC version of Snood
the bad- requires second copy to play multiplayer, graphics are poor, can't save your progress in story mode
presentation- 5
Graphics - 4
Sound - 5
Game play - 7
Lasting appeal - 2
Overall 4.6 rounded to 4.5 out of 10