Definitely check your bargain bin, a good game, but multiple generations old.

User Rating: 8.2 | Snowmobile Championship 2000 PC
Snowmobile Championship 2000 was a great game, but it lacked lasting appeal. As a kid, I could stand playing it over and over again for hours on end, but I now realize how quickly this game could get old. The races are repetitive, yet fun and sometimes it is even more fun just to explore. The gameplay is decent, but can get laggy at times. The graphics are fairly good, not too bad, especially for its time. The sound quality is not that good, but you can't expect too much, just like the graphics. The value is definitely the strong point of this game. You can find it in a bargain bin, however, it probably won't be in any local stores. To get this game you may have to search far and wide. You can buy it for cheap, however I am not sure if it is really worth it. This game definitely had its flaws, yet it is still fun.