This is my first Socom game I have ever played. Read the review for my thoughts.

User Rating: 9.6 | SOCOM 3: U.S. Navy SEALs (Greatest Hits) PS2
This is my first Socom game and I must say I am really surprised at how much I like it. First to start off with the gameplay. This game has excelent gameplay mechanics when you aim it feels just right . The Controls are very responsive to your very movement. Now vehicles have been added this year. I dont know how its been in other games but vehicles are always a good addition. They control really well.
Now onto the graphics. When you first start playing this game the graphics dont look like anything special. But when you go online with this game you completely forget about the graphics in this game because you enjoy the game so much you completely forget abouyt the graphics. When you play this game online for 2-3 hours you will start to enjoy the graphics alot more. The shadowing in this game are really well done.
The main course in the game really is the multiplayer. When you go online its an easy setup. You get to fully costumize your weapons and then go into action. You have great team members who are really fun to play with. If you want to experince online to the fullest I recommend you buy a PS2 USB Headset. I hope you enjoyed this review and I also hope that this review helped you decide to buy this game. Hope you buy it and enjoy it.