Change is food for the soul. This ain't Socom II so stop yer whining.
I've been playing this game for a couple weeks and although there are a lot of new features and maps that may seem overwhelming I can easily see myself falling in love with this game.
Some new added changes I like:
- Customizable weapons
- Vehicles (Much needed on the larger maps unless you like running for days)
- Better balance between Seals & Terrorists
- A better front end
- Usernames tied into credit cards (limits cheating among other things)
- The new maps (Although I would have liked to see some of the classics I think this sets new handicaps for all players so that even newbies can pick the game up and catch up a little quicker because everyone's learning the new maps.)
- The added difficulty of shooting in automatic mode. Prevents Run & Gun Rushers.
Some new changes I don't like:
- The fading names. Your teammates names fade out based on decent. This definitely increases team kills.
- The larger levels are almost TOO sniper friendly. I've already ran right over snipers without seeing them not to mention that running across large areas (read Harvester) is like running across the Serengeti. You have no chance.
All in all I do feel like the new kid in school. Don't know where my classes are. I've ordered a couple bad things in the cafeteria. But that just takes a little getting used.
I say pick it up if you love the first two or a week's rental will give you ample time to decide if it's worth the 50 bucks.