Another great SOCOM game
Graphics: SOCOM 3 has some nice looking places, but that's really it. Mostly, the graphics are slightly grainy and there is some fog that chokes up the view in the far distance. SOCOM 2 definitly looks better. However, the sacrifice was made so that SOCOM 3 can have gigantic maps. In the end, SOCOM 3 sports a clean, less-detailed look, and ends up being average in the graphics department.
Sound: One of the better aspects of the game. All of the cool orchestrated tracks sound great and the ambient noices are well done. Also, the foot step sounds are great. (If your walking in sand, it sounds like it) Lastly, the guns are great. Once you play for awhile, you can tell what each gun is just by the distinctive sound it makes. SOCOM 3 excells in this department.
Gameplay: While the multiplayer is the main focus, the single player is not to be ignored. The missions are fun and your teamates are actually helpful. Also, when you play the campaign on increasing difficulties, you unlock bonuses for multiplayer, such as guns, scopes, and other things. (You can also connect your PSP with SOCOM: Fireteam Bravo to unlock bonus characters for multiplayer) But, as in any other SOCOM game, the focus is on the multiplayer. SOCOM 3 smashes it out of the park. The awsome new feature of customizing your guns is probably my favorite addition. This customization really brings a lot of strategy to the table. Do you go loud but powerful or quiet but weaker? The list of things you can slap on your gun is huge. From silencers to scopes to lasers to grenade launchers, the options are endless. Also, there are many weapons to choose from, both new (HK36- a bigger brother of the 552) and returning (M4A1). Each guns support certain add-ons, so you really have to pick the right gun for the job. Also new are the huge maps. And when I say huge, I mean huge. The old maps are about 1/4 the size, if that. To fill the new space, 32 players can play in one game, double the old amount. Also, to help navigate these new maps, there is now the option of vehicles. Most people are gah gah over them, but I just think they are cool. You got your Hum-Vees, your ALTVs (Dune buggies), and even tanks. Pretty cool. In the end, SOCOM 3 has an alright single player and an excellent multiplayer.
Story: There are bad guys. You are SEALs. You shoot the bad guys. That's it. Actually, although the story is fairly weak, there are great cutscenes moving it along. So all in all, SOCOM 3 has a "meh" story element.
Polish: Online there is quite a bit of lag in really crazy rooms (grenades flying, explosions everywhere) but most of the time it dosn't effect the gameplay too much. The single player mode is fairly bug and glitch free.
Overall: SOCOM 3 has a fantastic multiplayer. I play usually more then once a day now since it came out. The single player is alright, but you're going to find yourself playing it, if only to unlock the bonuses. SOCOM 3 is, in my opinion, the premier online game on the PlayStation 2.
Disclaimer: I am a HUGE fan of SOCOM. I have been since SOCOM 1. So natrually my score is going to be higher then a casual fan's, so take that into considerartion. Also, the learning curve is for multiplayer mode, not single player.