SOCOM 3 OMG!. this game is amazing and worth the wait. I was schedule to be released in Aug of 2005, then Sept of 2005, then finally released Oct. 11. I got it the first night at eb games. when i first played it, it was a different experience from socom 2. Different level designs and more variety of guns. This game is definatly not a let down. The single player is way better than S2. Its easier and more fun. The online is the SO sweet. its funner than socom 2. tons of customizable weapons, vechicles to use and large maps. There is not much to complain about this game.
Other Helpful Reviews for SOCOM 3: U.S. Navy SEALs (Greatest Hits)
I'm an "older" SOCOM gamer than most -- I'm 39 -- so perhaps my comments don't match up with some of my younger counterparts. However, I have played SOCOM on a weekly basis since I came out, and while I'm not that good I... Read Full Review
Pros: Its fun, keeps you entertained and it has vehicles. Cons: lack of updates. Yeah so the single player isnt that bad, it keeps you entertained but the multiplayer is where it's at. Although the lag isnt that bad,... Read Full Review