5 years old, and it's still an AMAZING classic!

User Rating: 9.5 | SOCOM II: U.S. Navy SEALs PS2
Socom 2 is one of the best and most addictive online shooters for the Playstation 2. Though the amazing online play shrouds the not-so amazing offline, there is still some goodies for you if you finish offline to use online. For example, there are new characters for each online map based upon which difficulty you've beet the game at. There used to be a gun called the OICW, an extremely over-killed assault rifle that used to destroy anything in its path, but it was removed for that exact reason. Besides that, offline really isn't all that beneficial to do, nor is it all that fun.

Now the online, that's where Socom got its name. The online capabilities for this game are amazing. The game modes range from team deathmatch, to breach medleys. Each of these game sets can be very addicting, except when a "code 9" user comes in the room. Now days just about 60% of rooms you enter there is a cheater either flying around in the sky or running around with infinite health. Because zipper cannot fully control this problem, it seems they have completely given up on Socom 2.

Besides the online cheating draw-backs and the boring offline, Socom 2 is still one of the best online shooters I have played in my life. I literally learned how to play shooters like Call of Duty and Halo from Socom, I don't know where I'd be without. I would have suggested buying this game, but in the shape the online is in now after 5 years I would not recommend it to anyone, look for a good shooter on the new-gens from now on, because this game's obsolete.