This game is worth enough to buy a network adapter for your PS2 (if you don't have it already)
User Rating: 8.5 | SOCOM II: U.S. Navy SEALs PS2
As many people, the first time you see the network adapter you might be looking for good games to play online, sure, there are tons of options available (such as TimeSplitters 3 or Final Fantasy XI) but many others are not worth even looking at them. SOCOM 2 features a great single player mode that will put you on command of a Seals unit, your missions will be action packed but those are mainly focused on stealth action (ala Metal Gear Solid series), the missions are great and require a lot of coordinated actions with your squad. The single player missions of SOCOM 2 will vary from moving from locations to demolition and elimination, the modes are really fun to play but can be a little bit frustrating if you don't know how to manage your team correctly. Giving orders to your sqad is rather easy, but learning to do it correctly can take some time, also the game supports the use of the USB headset, even for the single player mode. The graphics on SOCOM 2 are great, the modelling of the environment and the players are well detailed and solid, the only complain on the graphic department are the looks of the guns, the looks of these is not too detailed and really is not that great, otherwise, the looks are simply amazing. Sound management is also a great aspect of the game, the music (when its heard) is great and very memorable, this happens with the voice acting and the gunfire as well, this ones are loud and clear. The game is good enough to be played on the single player campaign for a good amount of time, but when you get to play the online multiplayer mode, you will find an incredible similarity to the gameplay of Counter Strike, the modes available are an interesting round based Team Deathmatch and Demolition, as many other game modes. This game is simply incredible, when you get to play it you will soon be entertained by an amazing gameplay and incredible online game modes, you will sure be pleased with this game if you are into tactical games, to play this game to its full potential be sure to play it online with a good headset to coordinate some strategies with your partners.